Logotipo de Secullum

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes


How to install the programs of Secullum with the data base SQL Server?

To install the Secullum Point or the programs of access with the data base SQL Server follow the following procedures:

1 – Make the installation and updating of the system in a conventional manner.
2 – Check in Help > About the system if it really is updated, with version superior to the one available on the website.

In this moment, the system is already using the bank in Access (standard of the Secullum softwares). The name of the database of the Point Secullum main is the psec.dat; the name of the banks of the Access main are conface.dat; acessos.dat.
3 – Make the download and execute the file of configuration of the database, informing the way of the directory where is installed the system, through the link:


This file extract a file named bc_config.ini, and inside it tehre are the following lines of configuration:

Tipo_Banco: SQL Server < Kind of database to be used >
Servidor: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx < Name of the computer or IP server >
Conection: UID=sa;PWD=12345;
< UID : name of the user of the BDados, that access the database >
< PWD : user’s password of the BDados, that access the database > formato data: msde

Configure this file according with the configurations of the servidor of your customer. After configuring it correctly, save it, having sure that it really is in the directory of installation of the Point or of the Access. Do not open the system yet, because the database haven’t been created in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

4 - Download scripts for creation of the data bases in the SQL Server. Links to download scripts of creation of the data bases in the SQL Server is:

Secullum Point : www.secullum.com.br/script/pontosec8.exe
Access Secullum Company: www.secullum.com.br/script/empresa8.exe
Access Secullum Gym: www.secullum.com.br/script/academia8.exe
Access Secullum Refectory: www.secullum.com.br/script/refeitorio8.exe
Access Secullum School: www.secullum.com.br/script/escola8.exe
Access Secullum Clubs: www.secullum.com.br/script/clube8.exe

Important: if the data base already will be created does not execute these scripts, therefore the same ones create "zeroed" banks.

Links to download scripts of update of the data bases in the SQL Server is:

Secullum Point : www.secullum.com.br/script/at-pontosec8.exe
Access Secullum Company: www.secullum.com.br/script/at-empresa8.exe
Access Secullum Gym: www.secullum.com.br/script/at-academia8.exe
Access Secullum Refectory: www.secullum.com.br/script/at-refeitorio8.exe
Access Secullum School: www.secullum.com.br/script/at-escola8.exe
Access Secullum Clubs: www.secullum.com.br/script/at-clube8.exe

Download and execute the file corresponding to your need and soon after, execute the script through the Query Analyser of the SQL Server.

5 – After creating the database, start the System. If it is really being used the database in SQL, the original database in Access automatically must have changed showing a “x-“ in front of their names.
6 –About the internal funcionalities of the system, everything stay the same as in the Point Secullum or in the conventional Access, excepting the creation and importation of backups, that it is made in proper Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Important: the customer already must possesss the SQL Server installed to execute these procedures. In case that the customer already possesss the software of the Secullum with data base in Access contends information and needs to convert them for SQL Server, it must be proceeded the conversion from the data base.

We must point out that use data-base SQL Server in softwares of the Secullum requires the payment of the additional module when effecting the register. It can be entered in contact with the commercial department to deal with values.

Software: Varios
Categoría: Soporte
Última Actualización : 08/05/2008
Cantidad de accesos: 1450

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Secullum presta soporte por intermedio de distribuidores acreditados distribuidos por territorio nacional. Contacte el distribuidor que comercializó el sistema para obtener soporte. En caso usted no sepa cual distribuidor atiende a su empresa, o esté encontrando dificultades en el contacto o atendimiento con el distribuidor, por favor entre en contacto con nosotros.

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