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Common questions


How to download the SQL Server 2005?

The Secullum softwares can work with the servers SQL MSDE and SQL SERVER 2005.

The links to download are in the Microsoft website :

Go down on the screen and click on the button Make Download of the file SQLEXPR_BRZ.EXE

After downloaded and installed this file, download the program that manages the database, it is in the link:

Go down on the screen and click on the buton Download of the file SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi

Install and run it. Ask to the customer to be sure that the windows is genuine, because the Microsoft verify it during the instalation.

OBS.: use the SQL 2000 scripts

Any doubt, contact us.

Software: Several
Category: Technical support
Last Update: 01/08/2008
Number of Access: 2150

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